German Steel Tube Association
About us
Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V. (German Steel Tube Association / WVSR) represents the interests of the German steel tube industry vis a vis politics, other branches of the economy as well as the general public sector. Via its membership within and its cooperation with the European Steel Tube Association (ESTA) Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V. covers as well the international interests of its members. Cartel law is considered in all committees and activities as the association has established a compliance-codex.
Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V. was created January 1st 2009 following a merger of former Fachvereinigung Präzisionsrohrwerke e.V. (representing the interests of manufacturers of cold drawn tubes) and former Stahlrohrverband e.V. (representing mainly the interests of seamless hot finished pipe and some welded pipe producers). At the same time some members of former Verband der freien Rohrwerke e.V., an association of welded pipe producers without integrated steel base, decided to join Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V. Already back in 1995 Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre was created as a kind of “holding” of the then three independent German steel tube associations based in Düsseldorf. Its main purpose was the combined representation of the three associations interests in common subjects, especially in trade related political questions. Until the end of 2008 however the three associations stayed legally independent. The legend of the three associations partly is going back very far. For example Fachvereinigung Präzisionsrohrwerke e.V. celebrated its 100 year anniversary in 2007.
Tasks and objectives
The main tasks and objectives of Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V. are as follows:
Economic Affairs
Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V. represents the interests of its members vis a vis national and international governmental bodies as well as other public institutions. This relates especially to the EU-Commission in Bruxelles as well as the German government in Berlin and Bonn.
International Cooperation
Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V. represents the German interests within the European Steel Tube Association (ESTA). Within this frame Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V. is responsible for tasks of common interest , especially statistics.
Public Affairs
On subjects exceeding the interest or the responsibility of an individual member Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V. is the partner to contact for other associations, institutions or companies as well as for media and the general public.
Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V. supports its members manifold, for example in questions concerning standards, logistics or the environment. It plays a central role in collecting and evaluating data on the steel tube market worldwide and the economic development of end user branches for steel tube applications.
Executive Committee

Dr. Christine Jüngst
Prinz-Mayweg Gruppe

Thomas Michels
Vice Chairman
Benteler Steel/Tube GmbH

Adrian Alecu
ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Altensteig GmbH

Martin Krämer
Vincenz Wiederholt GmbH

Roger Menneking
Europipe GmbH

Contact Persons
Ricarda Eichholz-Fieseler
Secretariat, Accounting
Telephone: +49 211 / 4564 - 131
Carla Mosch
Market and statistic
Telephone: +49 211 / 4564- 135